Down to Earth/ConFest expenditure is managed through a series of annual appropriations and then distributed according to budgets approved through CC, OC, ConFab, Market or Board. Budgets are approved during committee meetings

An approved budget is required for any expenditure to be approved

Applying for a budget is not the same as applying for a DTE Debit Card.

Initial Debit Card Request - Link

Applying for funding

Please Read First

If you would like to apply for a budget for a project at ConFest or DTE related please read the following first

Application Info - Article

Expenditure Policy - Article

Working Bee reimbursements Policy - Article

Use the chat to ask any questions first before you send in your application, 

Step by step process - Article (WIP)


Application Form - CC, OC,Board, Market, ConFab

If your number of budget items is ten or less, the online form will suffice

If over ten then our online application form only accepts Gmail accounts 

If you have over ten items and do not have a gmail account, please use this form and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Financial model of the event

BUDGET AREAS (Area Costings)
1. Emergency

What is needed 

2. Infrastructure
What is needed 

3. Villages
How do you determine who gets funding in a tight environment?

4. Co-operative
Because we only have one event per year the entire costs of the co-operative are carried by one event.
if we had two events we could split the cost of the co-op across two or more events 

5. Revenue
Ticket Price * Attendees  
Ticket Price = Budget plus margin
Attendees = ??

Emergency + Infrastructure + Villages + Co-op = (Expense)
Expense + 20% Expense =Total Expense

Revenue - Total Expense 

Ticket Price
Revenue / Nbr tickets



Updated 09/06/2024 16:39