DTE - CCM - Cheatsheet  (WIP)

The goal of this document is for it to involve into an easier to understand representation of the rules which involve the CC. Any rules not related to CC are omitted in this document. 

The beginning of this doc is the Guide to the rules, followed by the actual rules for referral, please always double check against the original source

Layperson’s Guide to the rules of the ConFest Committee

Supporting Documents

  • Meetings are held according to Rule 33 - GDoc
    • Rule 33 covers meeting processes and the role of the Chairperson


The ConFest Committee

  • Regulatory
    • Shall be present to the Board all matters that may impact on the Boards liability for its consideration.
  • Promotion
  • Staging
  • Managing
    • May delegate specific functions to individuals or sub-committees.
  • Organising
  • Financial
    • The individual is entirely responsible to account for the funds advanced.
    • All monies are to be allocated to an individual for a specific task in the running of ConFest. 
    • Shall be allocated a budget by a General Meeting, to fund and run each ConFest.
    • Will follow financial procedures as set out by the Board.
    • Shall complete its accounts within 60 days after the final day of ConFest.
    • Will publish a progressive ConFest Budget on the Member's section of the DTE website after each ConFest Committee meeting with 6 hard copies available at the next Board and ConFest Committee meeting.


CC’s are scheduled for 

  • The Second Thursday of the month
  • May be held every week for 16 weeks leading up to a gathering
  • Meetings will be held on the ConFest site daily
    • 10 days before, 
    • during, and 
    • ten days after ConFest,
    • or as required.




  • May be held at other times if it is announced on the DTE Message Bank and the Internet. No notification is required at all
  • Cannot run for longer than 3 hours
  • Cannot be adjourned.
  • Are valid when there are ten (10) active members.
  • Members can only vote if they are active and have attended three (3) of the last five (5) CC Meetings
  • Can use electronic (internet and telephone) and written (mail and circulation of documents) as part of its meeting process


When good discussions on email lists, conventions etc are listed here


It Sets the dates


Appropriations of 400 - 500K for an Autumn


Roles and responsibilities of the ConFest Committee as determined by the rules of dte.coop 

not yet harmonised with the nationals co-operatives act

Discussion Points

  1. Active membership provisions
    1. (b) The contributions are to be confirmed by a person/s authorised by the Board and/or the ConFest/ConFab Committees.
    2. (f) Any disputes or irregularities have to be reported to the Board in writing for a decision within two months. The Board may request a report from the ConFest Committee or ConFab Committee as appropriate, but is not obliged to follow any recommendations made
  1. Proceedings and responsibilities of the Board
  • (16)  There shall be four standing Committees of the Board and there shall be a combined meeting of the Board and standing Committees of the Board quarterly in February, May, August and November:

(47 - 16 a)  The ConFest Committee

The ConFest Committee's sole function is the promotion, staging, managing, and organising of ConFest:

  • (i)  ConFest Committee meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month except for the period 16 weeks prior to the agreed ConFest date where they may be held every Thursday. ConFest meetings shall be announced on the DTE Message Bank and the Internet.
  • (ii)  For the 10 days before, during, and ten days after ConFest, the ConFest Committee meetings will be held on the ConFest site daily or as required.
  • (iii)  ConFest Committee meetings are limited to three hours duration.
  • (iv)  ConFest Committees Meetings shall not be adjourned.
  • (v)  The quorum of the ConFest Committee is ten (10) active members.
  • (vi)  The ConFest Committee may delegate specific functions to individuals or sub-committees.
  • (vii)  The ConFest Committee will follow financial procedures as set out by the Board.
  • (viii)  The ConFest Committee shall complete its accounts within 60 days after the final day of ConFest.
  • (ix)  All matters that may impact on the Boards liability shall be presented to the Board for its consideration.
  • (x)  The ConFest Committee will publish a progressive ConFest Budget on the Member's section of the DTE web site after each ConFest Committee meeting with 6 hard copies available at the next Board and ConFest Committee meeting.
  • (xi)  All monies are to be allocated to an individual for a specific task in the running of ConFest. The individual is entirely responsible to account for the funds advanced.
  • (xii)  The ConFest Committee shall be allocated a budget by a General Meeting, to fund and run each ConFest.
  • (xiii)  Every meeting of the ConFest Committee shall be conducted in accordance with Rule 33.
  • (xiv)  Active members of the Co-operative can qualify as voting members of the ConFest Committee by attending three (3) of the last five (5) ConFest Committee Meetings.



CC Events