Down to Earth (Victoria) Co-operative Society Ltd. ABN 77 380 803 219

To all DTE members

There will be a Special General Meeting on Tuesday 11th June 2024, as decided at an OC meeting held on 18th April.

If you would like a motion put to this SGM, please send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be received before 9:00 am Wednesday 8th May 2024, and your supporters’ emails likewise.

Please note that all motions must have a proposer and at least two supporters and be submitted in writing.

Motions can be submitted as a scanned document which has been signed by all three members. A motion can also be submitted by all three members emailing separately to advise that they are the proposer or supporter of the motion but all emails must contain the full text of the motion.

Only active members may propose or support these motions.

Please note, also, that any special resolution has additional requirements, and it is up to the proposer to see that these additional requirements are met.

You may choose to send your motion to both This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and those you seek support from, recommending your supporters 'reply all'. This works best if the motion text is already in the body of the email, not as an attachment.

This is also a reminder to prepare reports for presentation to the General Meeting. A formal Notice of Meeting will be issued after the cutoff time for resolutions.

John Reid
on behalf of the Organising Committee.