2024 Autumn Facilitators Conference


Ana, Fiona, Konstantina, Robin,

Conference Report - Link


**Drop your weekend thoughts - Notes and reports into the Reports -  Folder

**Drop your thoughts into a Form

**Upload your expenses - Form

**Submitted Reports - List - Folder

***2025 Budget - Sheet

What happens with the following information?

That depends on us, there are two main sources of information, the reports and the weekends Butchers paper and the notes taken during the sessions.

All are of equal value and will eventually make their way to a spreadsheet where they can be weighted accordingly to the number of times something is mentioned.

From the spreadsheet, they can be transformed into suggestions/tasks to do, when they might happen and feed this back to the teams for their use.

Looking for some people that feel they would learn a lot about event facilitation and help implement the above please contact Robin








