Old ID: ID: 13481
Date: 2021-09-28 17:50:13
Meeting: OC
Agenda item: Postpone AGM to allow notice for Special Resolutions to be added to the agenda
Agenda details: Five Special Resolutions have been received by DTE in accordance with DTE rules regarding the submission of Special Resolutions, yet Gary Lasky made the decision not to include them on the agenda. To show that the OC is not hypocritical with it's constant demand that the Rules must be followed, that the AGM should be postponed and the Special Resolutions added to the notice for the AGM be revised to include the Special Resolutions. Note: 21 days notice MUST be given to members if Special Resolutions are proposed, meaning that the earliest an AGM can be called is the 21st of October.
Motion: That the AGM planned for the 20th of October be rescheduled to a date determined by the OC allowing for the inclusion of the Special Resolutions that have been received by DTE into the agenda of the AGM.