DTE - OC - Cheatsheet  (WIP)

The goal of this document is for it to evolve into an easier to understand representation of the rules which involve the OC.  Any rules not related to OC are not meant to be present in this document and if there are some missing they are to be added. 

The beginning of this Doc is the Guide to the rules, followed by the actual rules for referral, please always double check against the original source

Layperson’s Guide to the rules of the Organising Committee

An Observation

One ongoing stumbling block is the ⅗ rule and ensuring someone has been to 3 out of the last 5 as maintained by the secretary at this link 

News Item - to be sorted as I believe

** It was recently raised an organising committee can only happen in the remaining time of a CC meeting. This is incorrect.

We can and do call an OC meeting on the last Thursday of each month irrespective if there is a CC or not. These meetings can run for up to three hours.

If the CC is called without an OC and on the night we decide without notice to hold an OC it can take place within the remaining time of the  3 hours allotted to the CC. While there is an “or” in 47(16)(d) there would be no need to have such or offer an alternative if it was not somehow referring to the overall meeting limit throughout our rules “3 hours”

However if the OC meeting is called in its own right it has 3 hours to operate in its own right

The Last Tthursday is the OC night.

Conundrum 01 - So if it is the regular OC meeting (last Thursday in each month) does a possible CC take precedence over the OC and by doing so place a restriction on the OC meeting being held that night?


Rules 16d

The following rules are supportive of the time restriction if called within a CC

(iii) Organising Committee Meetings may be held at the same time and place as Board meetings and ConFest Committee meetings, without notice.

(v) Organising Committee meetings are limited to three hours duration or the unexpired portion of three hours of a Board or ConFest Committee meeting.

However when an OC meeting is called in its own right, I can find no rules that says CC has precedent or is it constrained by the CC remaining meeting time

I believe the earlier observations in the meeting were incorrect

When there is a Confest Committee meeting on the organising Committee night the OC is held in the remaining time available

Supporting Documents

  • Meetings are held according to Rule 33 - GDoc
    • Rule 33 covers meeting processes and the role of the Chairperson



The Organising Committee

  • Regulatory
    • Is the executive arm of the Co-op as well as the executive arm of all matters not covered by the other standing Committees of the Board
    • Regularly record, compile, update, and publish to members, all DTE policies
    • May delegate specific functions to individuals or sub committees.
    • All matters that may impact on the Board's liability shall be presented to the Board for its consideration.
  • Financial
    • Shall have a monthly minimum allowance of one hundred dollars ($100) 
    • Can obtain additional operating expenses via a successful general meeting motion.
    • Will develop and follow financial and reporting procedures as agreed to by the Board and the Co-operative's Auditor.
    • Shall complete its accounts within 30 days of the end of the financial year.
    • Will publish a set of the Co-operatives accounts and a report once a quarter on the members’ section of the Co-operative’s website with hard copies available at the next Board and ConFest Committee meeting.
    • All monies are to be allocated to an individual for a specific task and the individual is entirely responsible to account for the funds advanced.



  • Organises and runs the SGM/AGM’s and other general meetings of the Co-operative
  • Zoom - WPage
  • All meetings are governed by Rule 33 - GDoc
  • May be held without notice at the same time and place as Board and ConFest Committee meetings
  • May be held at other times if it is announced on the DTE Message Bank and the Internet. No notification is required at all
  • Cannot run for longer than 3 hours or the unexpired portion of three hours of a Board or ConFest Committee meeting
  • Cannot be adjourned.
  • Are valid when there are ten (10) active members.
  • Members can only vote if they are active and have attended three (3) of the last five (5) OC Meetings
  • Can use electronic (internet and telephone) and written (mail and circulation of documents) as part of its meeting process


AGM Meetings (OC Involvement)

  • 26. OC may determine when and where the AGM happens
  • 26. AGM cannot run longer than 3 hours without a call for an extension
    • An extension can only be called once for up to one hour
    • An extension can only be called by a majority of Active Members present
    • An extension can only be asked within 90 minutes of the advertised start
  • 26. Should the OC not call an AGM
    • The board can call for an AGM
    • 10% or more of active members can call for an AGM
  • 29. The OC should file a report at each AGM
  • 27. OC must give every member whether active or not 14 days clear notice of an AGM
  • 27. A meeting cannot run longer than 3 hours without a call for an extension
    • An extension can only be called by a majority of Active Members present
    • An extension can only be asked within 90 minutes of the advertised start
  • 27. A meeting must include in the notice any motion bought by a member that arrives before 35 days of the date of meeting
    • Motion Title
    • Motion Author
    • Seconder (two)
    • If you wish to have a motion included for other members to consider you must have it submitted it 35 days prior
  • 29. The OC should file a report at each AGM


SGM Meetings (OC Involvement)

  • 27. OC may convene an SGM at any given time
  • 27. OC must convene an SGM if requested so by more than 10% of the active members
  • 27. OC may determine when and where the SGM happens
  • 27. OC must give every member whether active or not 14 days clear notice of an SGM
  • Organising Committee of the Board reports
  • 27. A meeting cannot run longer than 3 hours without a call for an extension
    • An extension can only be called by a majority of Active Members present
    • An extension can only be asked within 90 minutes of the advertised start
  • 27. A meeting must include in the notice any motion bought by a member that arrives before 35 days of the date of meeting
    • Motion Title
    • Motion Author
    • Seconder (two)
    • If you wish to have a motion included for other members to consider you must have it submitted it 35 days prior
  • 29. The OC should file a report at each SGM

Handling OC Agenda Items


Current Meeting Conventions (not found in rules)

  • To not raise the agenda item of a person who is not currently present


Unscheduled OC Meetings (The ongoing question of why?)

  • Sometimes a bill needs to be paid urgently
    • Refer to current bill paying process - GDoc


Related Documents



Possibly have a process which does not require a formal meeting. - Steve P

If the OC has a bill that requires urgent payment then this can be referred to the board, either with an electronic process (emails) or via an unofficial meeting. The board already has processes in the rules to deal with such payments.

This referral should be documented and is then minuted at the next planned OC meeting.

This can be done via consensus. 


So if by email an OC member can email the bill details to everyone, with a description of why the bill is urgent, and ask if there are any objections to referral to the board for immediate payment. 


If there are objections then the bill should be held till the next OC meeting for discussion which can happen on the next Thursday. If no objections (or if objections are withdrawn) then the bill is referred to the board.


This process should work if done in good faith.

Non financial urgent matters would be more difficult. I can't envisage what they would be that they could not wait one week.


Legal matters are ultimately the board's responsibility. 


But I think once a decision has been handed to the board it would be minuted at a board meeting. The OC could record and keep track of these.


Many organisations use ‘discussion papers’ or ‘position papers’ to outline ideas for and against proposals. I think DTE could make good use of such a technique, and I think this is a great example of what can be done. - Br John. 


Re regular defined meetings  - Robin

It is better if we maximise the allotted times for OC, ie expect a three hour meeting for OC on the last Thursday of the month. Sometimes they finish early if they do we can turn the available time to improving processes

  • Ie more efficient settling of accounts
  • Discuss future plans


If we save it all up for one meeting we 

  • reduce disenfranchising members who are unable to attend unscheduled ones
    • Who end out having an absence recorded against their name
    • Which compounds their ability to speak or vote on an issue raised  at future OC meetings.


These members could be very committed to the co-op ands wants to work within a system equal to all, which it is not if an unscheduled meetings are called and all items discussed


Hence I believe if an unscheduled meeting is called, the only matters to attend to are the ones requiring the urgency. All other matters should be left to the official monthly meeting. IMHO


Sharepoint is where we store we store official OC Documents

Roles and responsibilities of the Organising Committee as determined by the rules of dte.coop rules, not yet harmonised with the nationals co-operatives act


  1. Annual General Meetings
  • (3)  The Organising Committee of the Board may determine the date, starting time, and place of an Annual General Meeting. The meeting will have a duration of up to 3 hours from the advertised starting time. The meeting may be extended once, by up to one hour, with the agreement of the majority of the active members present ninety minutes after the advertised starting time of the meeting
  • (5)  If the Organising Committee of the Board does not hold an Annual General Meeting within the required time, that the Board or not less than 10% of members may requisition the meeting in accordance with section 209 of the Act.


  1. Special General Meetings
  • (1)  A Special General Meeting of the Co-operative may be convened at any time by the Organising Committee of the Board.
  • (2)  In accordance with section 209 of the Act, Organising Committee of the Board or the Board must convene a general meeting of the Co-operative on the written requisition of the number of active members of the Co-operative who together are able to cast at least 10% of the total number of votes able to be cast at a meeting of the Co-operative.
  • (4)  The Organising Committee of the Board may determine the date, starting time, and place of a Special General Meeting. The meeting will have a duration of up to 3 hours from the advertised starting time. The meeting may be extended once, by up to one hour, with the agreement of the majority of the active members present ninety minutes after the advertised starting time of the meeting.


  1. Notice of General Meetings
  • (1)  The Organising Committee of the Board, or in default the Board, must give each member at least 14 clear days notice of each general meeting.
  • (6)  If notice of an ordinary resolution is given under sub-rule (5) at least 35 days before the meeting, the Organising Committee of the Board or the Board must include the resolution, and brief details as proposed by the author, in the notice of the meeting.


  1. Business at General Meetings
  • (1)  The ordinary business of the Annual General meeting shall be:
    • (c)  to receive from the Board, the Organising Committee of the Board, auditors, or any officers of the Co-operative reports upon the transactions of the Co-operative during the financial year, including the audited financial accounts and other financial reports as requested, and the state of affairs at the end of that year;
  • (3)  The ordinary business of a Special General Meeting shall be:
    • (b)  At each Special General Meeting the following reports are to be tabled:
      • (iii)  Organising Committee of the Board reports.


  1. Election of Directors
  • Observation - Refer to the whole rules, it would appear the conduct of the elections for the directors fall into the hands of the oc. We currently run this through the secretary who can also be a member of the OC


  1. Manner of election
  • (2)  The Organising Committee of the Board shall advise each member in the election notice that the member has the right to apply for a postal vote in lieu of a personal vote at the meeting, and shall make appropriate arrangements for that.


  1. Proceedings and responsibilities of the Board
  • (1)  Meetings of the Board are to be held the first Thursday of each month, except when they clash with ConFest, or as often as may be necessary for properly conducting the business of the Co-operative. Meetings shall commence at 7.30 p.m. and end at 10.30 p.m. unless Directors agree to an extension of time.
  • (a) Agenda:
    1. (i)  the Organising Committee of the Board will collate the agenda;
    2. (ii)  the agenda will list all items contributed by Directors and active members for consideration, and;
    3. (iii)  be available 48 hours before the meeting;
    4. (iv)  items on the distributed agenda take priority during the meeting.
  • (8)  The Organising Committee of the Board is responsible for the day to day running of the Society.

(47 - 16 d) The Organising Committee

  • (i)  The Organising Committee's function is to:
  • run general meetings of the Co-operative;
  • be the executive arm of the Co-operative relating to all matters not covered by the other
  • standing Committees of the Board;
  • regularly record, compile, update, and publish to members, all policies developed by the
  • Board, the Committees of the Board, and general meetings of the Co-operative.
  • (ii)  Every Organising Committee meeting will be conducted in accordance with Rule 33.
  • (iii)  Organising Committee Meetings may be held at the same time and place as Board meetings and ConFest Committee meetings, without notice.
  • (iv)  Organising Committee meetings held at other times shall be announced on the DTE Message Bank and the Internet.
  • (v)  Organising Committee meetings are limited to three hours duration or the unexpired portion of three hours of a Board or ConFest Committee meeting.
  • (vi)  Organising Committee Meetings shall not be adjourned.
  • (vii)  The quorum for an Organising Committee Meeting is ten (10) active members.
  • (viii)  Active members of the Co-operative can qualify as members of the Organising Committee by attending three (3) of the last five (5) Organising Committee Meetings
  • (ix)  The Organising Committee can use electronic (internet and telephone) and written (mail and circulation of documents) as part of its meeting process and committee members do not need to be physically present.
  • (x)  The Organising Committee may delegate specific functions to individuals or sub committees.
  • (xi)  The Organising Committee shall have a monthly minimum allowance of one hundred dollars ($100) cumulative, and additional operating expenses are to be approved by general meeting motion.
  • (xii)  The Organising Committee will develop and follow financial and reporting procedures as agreed to by the Board and the Co-operative's Auditor.
  • (xiii)  The Organising Committee shall complete its accounts within 30 days of the end of the financial year.
  • (xiv)  The Organising Committee will publish a set of the Co-operatives accounts and a report once a quarter on the member's section of the Co-operatives website with hard copies available at the next Board and ConFest Committee meeting.
  • (xv)  All monies are to be allocated to an individual for a specific task and the individual is entirely responsible to account for the funds advanced.
  • (xvi)  All matters that may impact on the Board's liability shall be presented to the Board for its consideration.

Rules Relating to the Organising Committee


26. Annual General Meetings

  • (1)  In accordance with section 204 of the Act, the first annual general meeting of the Co-operative must be held at any time within 19 months after the incorporation of the Co-operative.
  • (2)  The second or any subsequent annual general meeting of the Co-operative must be held within:
    • (a)  5 months after the close of the financial year of the Co-operative, or;
    • (b)  any further time that may be allowed by the Registrar or is prescribed.
  • (3)  The Organising Committee of the Board may determine the date, starting time, and place of an Annual General Meeting. The meeting will have a duration of up to 3 hours from the advertised starting time. The meeting may be extended once, by up to one hour, with the agreement of the majority of the active members present ninety minutes after the advertised starting time of the meeting.
  • (4)  All general meetings of the Co-operative other than the Annual General Meeting shall be Special General Meetings.
  • (5)  If the Organising Committee of the Board does not hold an Annual General Meeting within the required time, that the Board or not less than 10% of members may requisition the meeting in accordance with section 209 of the Act.

27. Special General Meetings

  • (1)  A Special General Meeting of the Co-operative may be convened at any time by the Organising Committee of the Board.
  • (2)  In accordance with section 209 of the Act, Organising Committee of the Board or the Board must convene a general meeting of the Co-operative on the written requisition of the number of active members of the Co-operative who together are able to cast at least 10% of the total number of votes able to be cast at a meeting of the Co-operative.
  • (3)  A Special General Meeting shall be held in each of the following months of the year: February, June, and September.
  • (4)  The Organising Committee of the Board may determine the date, starting time, and place of a Special General Meeting. The meeting will have a duration of up to 3 hours from the advertised starting time. The meeting may be extended once, by up to one hour, with the agreement of the majority of the active members present ninety minutes after the advertised starting time of the meeting.

28. Notice of General Meetings

  • (1)  The Organising Committee of the Board, or in default the Board, must give each member at least 14 clear days notice of each general meeting.
  • (2)  The notice may be given in accordance with section 460 of the Act
  • (3)  The notice must specify the place, the day and the time, the agenda, the length of the meeting and if special business is to be transacted, set out details of the special business including the full text of resolutions.
  • (4)  If a special resolution is to be proposed at the meeting at least 21 clear days notice of that special resolution must be given to the members of the Co-operative including the full text of the resolution in accordance with section 192 of the Act.
  • (5)  A member of the Co-operative who wishes to propose a resolution at a general meeting must give the Co-operative written notice of the resolution. The resolution must be supported, in writing, by at least two other active members and is not to exceed 200 words. (Other supporting documents may be attached)
  • (6)  If notice of an ordinary resolution is given under sub-rule (5) at least 35 days before the meeting, the Organising Committee of the Board or the Board must include the resolution, and brief details as proposed by the author, in the notice of the meeting.


29. Business at General Meetings

  • (1)  The ordinary business of the Annual General meeting shall be:
    • (a)  to read the minutes of the last Annual General meeting;
    • (b)  to confirm minutes of the last preceding general meeting (whether annual or special);
    • (c)  to receive from the Board, the Organising Committee of the Board, auditors, or any officers of the Co-operative reports upon the transactions of the Co-operative during the financial year, including the audited financial accounts and other financial reports as requested, and the state of affairs at the end of that year;
    • (d)  to elect Directors as per Rule 41.
  • (2)  Annual and Special General Meetings may transact special business of which notice has been given to members in accordance with these rules.
  • (3)  The ordinary business of a Special General Meeting shall be:
    • (a)  to confirm minutes of the last preceding general meeting (whether annual or special);
    • (b)  At each Special General Meeting the following reports are to be tabled:
      • (i)  Financial reports on the transactions of the Co-operative during the period.
      • (ii)  Directors reports either as a group or individually.
      • (iii)  Organising Committee of the Board reports.
      • (iv)  ConFest report.
      • (v)  ConFab report.
      • (vi)  Other committee/work group reports.
  • (4)  All business of a general meeting, other than ordinary business, is special business.

  1. 41. 41. Election of Directors
    1. (1) At least 6 weeks before an annual general meeting, the Organising Committee of the Board must:
    2. (a) notify all members of the number of Directors retiring at the annual general meeting, and; must: be an active member; be a natural person; be not less than 18 years of age;have the qualifications set out in Rule 39.

(b) advise the members of:

  • (i)  their eligibility to nominate as a Director, and;
  • (ii)  the qualifications, duties and responsibilities of a Director, and;
  • (iii)  the nomination and election procedures.
  • (2)  Not less than 6 weeks before the annual general meeting, a notice must be displayed at the registered office of the Co-operative inviting nominations of candidates for election as Directors.
  • (3)  A nomination must:
    • (a)  be signed by 2 or more active members, and;
    • (b)  provide a statement by the nominee detailing the qualifications and experience of the person nominated including their experience within DTE and detailing their compliance with the requirements of Rule 39, and;
    • (c)  be accompanied by a notice in writing signed by the candidate agreeing to his or her nomination;
    • (d)  include a copy, dated and signed by the nominee, of the DTE auditor’s letter acknowledging his or her responsibilities and duties as a director.
  • (4)  The nomination and the notice referred to in the sub-rule (3) must be lodged at the registered office of the Co-operative at least 28 days before the annual general meeting.
  • (5)  Details of each person who has been nominated must be given to all members with the notice of the annual general meeting by an officer nominated by the Organising Committee of the Board.
  • (6)  Details to be provided to members must include the candidate's:
    • (a)  name, and;
    • (b)  age bracket, and;
    • (c)  experience in the running of ConFest or ConFab, and any other relevant qualifications and experience, and;
    • (d)  length of any previous service as a Director of the Co-operative or with any other Co-operative, and;
    • (e)  details of any commercial involvement over the previous two years with the Co-operative, ConFest and/or ConFab, including but not limited to participation as a stall holder in the ConFest market or as a contractor or supplier to ConFest and/or ConFab, and;
    • (f)  a photograph of the candidate and a policy statement not exceeding 200 words.


  1. 42. Manner of election
    • (1)  The ballot for the election of Directors must be conducted at the annual general meeting in the manner that the Board directs.
    • (2)  The Organising Committee of the Board shall advise each member in the election notice that the member has the right to apply for a postal vote in lieu of a personal vote at the meeting, and shall make appropriate arrangements for that.
    • (3)  Voting shall be on forms approved by the Board and shall be by secret ballot.
    • (4)  If, at the general meeting the position of any retiring Director is not filled, that position is treated as a casual vacancy.


  1. 47. Proceedings and responsibilities of the Board
    • (1)  Meetings of the Board are to be held the first Thursday of each month, except when they clash with ConFest, or as often as may be necessary for properly conducting the business of the Co-operative. Meetings shall commence at 7.30 p.m. and end at 10.30 p.m. unless Directors agree to an extension of time.
    • (a) Agenda:
      1. (i)  the Organising Committee of the Board will collate the agenda;
      2. (ii)  the agenda will list all items contributed by Directors and active members for consideration, and;
      3. (iii)  be available 48 hours before the meeting;
      4. (iv)  items on the distributed agenda take priority during the meeting.
    • (2)  Board meetings cannot be adjourned.
    • (3)  A Director may call a Thursday night meeting of the Board by giving notice individually to every other Director, and with the agreement of three others, the meeting will be binding on all Directors.
    • (4)  On their election, Directors are to nominate a reasonable form for their meeting notice and inform each other Director.
    • (5)  Except in special circumstances determined by the chairperson, that is a meeting called for an evening other than a Thursday, at least 48 hours notice shall be given for a Directors Meeting.
    • (6)  All Board meetings, and committees of the Board meetings, shall be open and be announced on the D.T.E. Information Line (telephone "Message Bank") and by Internet.
    • (7)  The Board may delegate any of its powers or tasks.
    • (8)  The Organising Committee of the Board is responsible for the day to day running of the Society.
    • (9)  All active members of the Cooperative may assist in the business of all committees or assist Directors or other members in the execution of their agreed tasks.
    • (10)  Committee reports and nominated tasks are an agenda item for each Board meeting.
    • (11)  Questions and ordinary resolutions arising at any Director's meeting shall be determined by unanimous agreement (consensus), of those members present. If consensus cannot be reached, after further discussion, the question may be determined by minimum of 4 votes from the Directors present.
  • (12)  The Board must not spend or commit the Co-operative to expenditure of more than $3,000 per quarter year without the approval of a general meeting. This money can only be spent on statutory requirements for the operation of the Society.
  • (13)  Before each Annual General Meeting, the Organising Committee of the Board shall prepare an annual budget projection for the Co-operative for the next year, and shall include it in the notice for the Annual General Meeting.
  • (14)  The Board will foster the development of committees and assist and work with them in the performance of their responsibilities.
  • (15)  The Board must treat members equally but operate only in the best interests of the Co-operative.
  • (16)  There shall be four standing Committees of the Board and there shall be a combined meeting of the Board and standing Committees of the Board quarterly in February, May, August and November:
    • (a)  The ConFest Committee
    • The ConFest Committee's sole function is the promotion, staging, managing, and organising of ConFest:
      • (i)  ConFest Committee meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month except for the period 16 weeks prior to the agreed ConFest date where they may be held every Thursday. ConFest meetings shall be announced on the DTE Message Bank and the Internet.
      • (ii)  For the 10 days before, during, and ten days after ConFest, the ConFest Committee meetings will be held on the ConFest site daily or as required.
      • (iii)  ConFest Committee meetings are limited to three hours duration.
      • (iv)  ConFest Committees Meetings shall not be adjourned.
      • (v)  The quorum of the ConFest Committee is ten (10) active members.
      • (vi)  The ConFest Committee may delegate specific functions to individuals or sub-committees.
      • (vii)  The ConFest Committee will follow financial procedures as set out by the Board.
      • (viii)  The ConFest Committee shall complete its accounts within 60 days after the final day of ConFest.
      • (ix)  All matters that may impact on the Boards liability shall be presented to the Board for its consideration.
      • (x)  The ConFest Committee will publish a progressive ConFest Budget on the Member's section of the DTE web site after each ConFest Committee meeting with 6 hard copies available at the next Board and ConFest Committee meeting.
      • (xi)  All monies are to be allocated to an individual for a specific task in the running of ConFest. The individual is entirely responsible to account for the funds advanced.
      • (xii)  The ConFest Committee shall be allocated a budget by a General Meeting, to fund and run each ConFest.
      • (xiii)  Every meeting of the ConFest Committee shall be conducted in accordance with Rule 33.
      • (xiv)  Active members of the Co-operative can qualify as voting members of the ConFest Committee by attending three (3) of the last five (5) ConFest Committee Meetings.
    • (b)  The ConFab Committee
    • The sole role of the ConFab Committee is the organising, promotion and management of ConFab:
      • (i)  Meetings of the ConFab Committee are held during the function as necessary.
      • (ii)  The ConFab committee may report to the Board as required.
    • (c)  The Market Committee
    • The sole role of the Market Committee is the organising and management of the ConFest market.

(i) The Market Committee meetings:

  • are held as required;
  • are to be announced on "Message Bank";
  • will be held on the ConFest site daily or as required, prior, during and after ConFest;
  • are limited to two hours duration;
  • cannot be adjourned.
  • (ii)  The quorum of the Market Committee is three active members.
  • (iii)  The Market Committee may delegate specific functions to individuals or sub-committees.
  • (iv)  The Market Committee will follow financial procedures as set out by the Board.
  • (v)  The Market Committee shall complete its accounts within 60 days after the final day of ConFest.
  • (vi)  All matters that may impact on the Board's liability shall be presented to the Board for its consideration.
  • (vii)  The Market Committee will publish a progressive report on the Member's section of the DTE website after each Market Committee meeting with 6 hard copies available at the next Board and/or Market Committee meeting.
  • (viii)  All monies are to be allocated to an individual for a specific task in the running of the Market. That individual is entirely responsible for the proper accounting of the funds advanced.

(d) The Organising Committee

  • (i)  The Organising Committee's function is to:
    • run general meetings of the Co-operative;
    • be the executive arm of the Co-operative relating to all matters not covered by the other standing Committees of the Board;
    • regularly record, compile, update, and publish to members, all policies developed by the Board, the Committees of the Board, and general meetings of the Co-operative.
  • (ii)  Every Organising Committee meeting will be conducted in accordance with Rule 33.
  • (iii)  Organising Committee Meetings may be held at the same time and place as Board meetings and ConFest Committee meetings, without notice.
  • (iv)  Organising Committee meetings held at other times shall be announced on the DTE Message Bank and the Internet.
  • (v)  Organising Committee meetings are limited to three hours duration or the unexpired portion of three hours of a Board or ConFest Committee meeting.
  • (vi)  Organising Committee Meetings shall not be adjourned.
  • (vii)  The quorum for an Organising Committee Meeting is ten (10) active members.
  • (viii)  Active members of the Co-operative can qualify as members of the Organising Committee by attending three (3) of the last five (5) Organising Committee Meetings
  • (ix)  The Organising Committee can use electronic (internet and telephone) and written (mail and circulation of documents) as part of its meeting process and committee members do not need to be physically present.
  • (x)  The Organising Committee may delegate specific functions to individuals or sub committees.
  • (xi)  The Organising Committee shall have a monthly minimum allowance of one hundred dollars ($100) cumulative, and additional operating expenses are to be approved by general meeting motion.
  • (xii)  The Organising Committee will develop and follow financial and reporting procedures as agreed to by the Board and the Co-operative's Auditor.
  • (xiii)  The Organising Committee shall complete its accounts within 30 days of the end of the financial year.
  • (xiv)  The Organising Committee will publish a set of the Co-operatives accounts and a report once a quarter on the member's section of the Co-operatives website with hard copies available at the next Board and ConFest Committee meeting.
  • (xv)  All monies are to be allocated to an individual for a specific task and the individual is entirely responsible to account for the funds advanced.
  • (xvi)  All matters that may impact on the Board's liability shall be presented to the Board for its consideration.

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