Motion from AGM 2022

DTE funds will not be used for the hire, rent or lease of goods or chattles eg materials, equipment, or merchandise that is already owned by a Confester, Village, member of their family, business or co -operative that they are involved with.

Motion at Sept 2022 SGM For the next festival ie 2023 .

There is a cap on the villages budget of a maximum of $3,000 for each of the 5 major villages Arts, Family, Gypsie, Permaculture and Tranquility and an a maximum of up to $500 for all other spaces including workshop spaces, smaller villages etc.

Motion 14 June 2020 SGM

That all future budget requests that exceed $500 and are below $5000 need to submitted in writing and put online in multiple places that are easily accessible all members containing a detailed itemised expenditure application form or spreadsheet for at least 48 hours before the scheduled start time of the meeting at which it is to be heard.
That all future budget requests $5000 or above need to be submitted in writing and put online in multiple places that are easily accessible to all members containing a detailed itemised expenditure application form or spreadsheet. At least 5 full days before the scheduled start time of the meeting it is to be discussed.
Where food is an item , it is to broken down into a dollar amount per person, per day. eg $7 per person per day for 5 days for 15 people or broken down into how much on meat, dairy, dry goods, fresh produce, tinned goods etc. Where budget requests appear to have been broken down into multiple applications to avoid the time limits, only one of these budget requests will be heard at that meeting.