Moderation of Mailing Lists

Our email address is list-admin@ 
Please contact the Administrator for the password.  

Moderators' Google Folder

Current Moderators - Aaron, Elisa, Kathy, Robin


How do we stop a thread that's getting too long; a potential pile on?


Process for Moderating Email Lists

If you receive a list-admin notification of an inappropriate email:

1. Add it to the sheet 

2. Notify Complainant their complaint has been received - from list-admin@

Complainant Acknowledgement

3. Determine the response in the 'Mod Squad' Messenger group

Four Different options, not sequential

Warning - Usually well behaved but this email was inappropriate

Pre-moderation - Repeatedly problematic but borderline: pre-moderation for (period)

Suspension - Clearly crossing the line; inappropriate: suspension for (period)

Remove from List - Way over the line or repeat offender, abusive

***Does the thread need a Moderator Warning?

4. Note response in sheet 

5. Enact change to list access, if any

6. Email offender response from  - list-admin@




Remove from List 

7. Advise complainant of result from  - list-admin@ 

Complainant Wrap-up  


Process for Adding a New Moderator

* Add to Mailman moderator field

* Add to - Group - Mod Squad

* Add Moderators email to list-admin forwarder



Be courteous

Familiarise yourself with Down To Earth - Code of Conduct

Complaint  - Form

Moderators act, senders have the right of appeal through the Complaints process.

Any comment on the moderators and their decisions can themselves be grounds for removal.