Producing art is as much about the journey as the outcome.
The purpose of 4ArtsSake is to support emerging and established artists to display work at ConFest. This is done by providing access to funding outside of the usual DTE budget application rounds and periodically provide a residency on site.
A bye-product of supporting artists is that their work not only beautifies the Woorooma site but it also inspires and creates spaces for people to enjoy. Making ConFest a more colourful and inclusive event.
We envisage support that allows artists to create their hearts desire and that be met with the joy of participating in a life changing and life affirming event.
We believe that encouragement and support are fundamental elements that inspire and bring art to life. Giving us the freedom to express our thoughts in a way that is that finds expression in a plethora of avenues and genres.
Art is FREEDOM. Art INSPIRES. Art CONNECTS us to the divinity of our Soul. This is why 4Artsake encourages those seeking to express what may be hidden in the subconscious to come out and play.
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