Everyone at Down To Earth is a Volunteer!

All the members of the Down To Earth co-operative come from an entirely volunteer and community directed. That means no one gets paid to organise the co-operative.

Down To Earth's major activity is setting up ConFest which  is a lot like setting up a small town for a week and then packing it down again, so most of the skills and understandings we each have from our day to day personal and working lives, are very much needed for it happen.

Everyone adult in Down To Earth is asked to contribute a minimum of twenty four hours hours of their time at any time of the year in any area of the co-operative

You get involved, help make things happen

This is part of what makes everyone’s experience.

It also helps to create an active community. 

If you see a NEED and you can fulfill it,

Feel free to take the initiative to DO IT.


We encourage you to help out and spend your energy where you see fit. Your hours won’t be documented (unless you’d like to apply or are to maintain your active status),

So if you find yourself near something that needs fixing or someone who needs helping, feel free to jump in!

This helps create happy organic nature of Down To Earth activities.

Many people find that they are given endless gifts and truly significant experience through Down To Earth.

This leads to them to want to contribute in a more significant way, to ensure that more and more people can also reap the benefits of this amazing spontaneous community that they know and love! 

Areas you can volunteer in check them out and then come back here and use the Volunteer Form here

ConFest Committee
Organising Committee
Market Committee

Contributing more than 24 hours within a 12 month period makes you eligible to become a DTE active member.

Allowing you to vote at DTE committee and General meetings.

Get more involved in participatory decision making which gives you a workers ticket to next year's ConFest.


Volunteer here