
Motion 7: The Organising Committee receive an appropriation of $20,000 for improvements to the Bylands property

Description: The Organising Committee appropriation request for the maintenance of the Bylands property is $20,000. This gives us a chance to begin making repairs to the house and property to ensure its safe use.
Proposed by: Robin Macpherson
Supported by: Sue Helson, Lance Nash, Andrew McLean


Appropriation June 2024 SGM

Area Description Amount
Fences/Building/verandah   13000
Enviro Monitoring equipment   2000
Incidentals   1000
Working Bees   4000


* Bylands hasnt had an appropriation for some time, howver the property well and truly deserves some attention

* Solar Array

* Tank by Shed to capture rain water

* Sustainability

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