Library - Drive

A repository of our community information

Complete with members only area

Currently the Library is reconstructing its central core of decision making, ie its minutes library.This will allow us to better reference in the future as well as permit a number of volunteers help maintain them


On the shelves - Link

BD Tab
CC Tab
OC Tab
GM Tab



CC Tab
OC Tab


BD Tab
CC Tab
OC Tab
GM Tab



Spreadsheet - Link


Call for volunteer librarians, OBCD, keyboard warriors who can handle enquiries as well as a lot of filing and classification, refilenaming


Some Tasks

- Minutes - Remove the hyphen

- Minutes - Standardise file names

- Minutes - check the ? files

- Minutes - Draft Minutes?? - was there a better way, that the minutes are the draft minutes until approved at the next meeting, taking into consideration suggested changes and at end of decision to approve, it is saved and served as final minutes?

With the added storage of video/audio, are all the old "audio" files really "video"?

Submissions area

What do we want to store?

How do we want to categorise it?



Huge history Project soon to be launched  

Over 1700 Artefacts from our cultural past to be catalogued.


Watch this space