DTE Property Access Policy & Procedures - LINK


Ratified by Board of Directors: 17-Oct-2019

Given the potential liability the Board may be subject to with regards to the health and welfare of individuals accessing DTE properties, the Board shall implement the following policy & procedures:

  1. This policy applies to all properties owned by the cooperative.

  2. Outside of ConFest official dates and ConFest setup (6 weeks) and pack-down (2 weeks) period:

    1. Members and volunteers are limited to a maximum stay of up to 2 months duration in any 12 month period per DTE property.

    2. DTE property access must be applied for in writing and may only be granted by the Board (i.e. a minimum of 4 directors).

    3. Applications for DTE property access must include the following information:

      1. List of people requesting site access

      2. Contact details of people applying to access DTE properties

      3. Emergency contact details for each person applying to access DTE properties

      4. Arrival and departure dates

      5. Which project/budget and what it relates to

      6. The nominated project facilitator or site coordinator

      7. Objectives of visit

    4. People accessing DTE properties must record their arrival and departure within a site access register.

  3. When accessing DTE properties there must be a minimum of two people on site at any one time.

  4. Any variations to this policy will be at the discretion of the Board.

Some other important conditions are
1. Agree to No fires on site as the NSW Bush fire season commences about 1st of October
2. Agree to only drive at 5kph on DTE property for safely and to limit road maintenance.
3. Agree to NO violence/NO assault/ NO threats
4. Agree to NO interference with any personal camp. No removal of property from any personal camps. 
5  If given access to a vehicle Agree to Check oil and water each day in all DTE vehicles driven

Priority work tasks:
a. Clearing 40m from river
b. Someone to deliver some "trees" to plant before they die
c. Bathurst Burr control 
d. Rabbit control
· Working bees will only go ahead if it is safe to do so.  
· No visitors from states or clusters which have covid restrictions. 
  • Everyone must complete a compulsory COVID Safe declaration prior to entering the site. This declaration will be emailed to all patrons 72 hours prior to check-in. We are unable to check-in patrons who have not submitted a declaration.
  • Traveling to site - sanitise hands after each visit to a petrol station and rest stop. 
  • Practise social physical distancing (1.5m).   
  • Campsites are required to be 5-15m apart.  
  • Exercise appropriate hygiene regarding washing hands with soap, use of sanitisers, and leave no trace behind when you depart.   
  • Cough or sneeze into your arm.  
  • Stay home if unwell and get tested. 
  • Download the COVIDSafe app.  
  • There will be frequent cleaning of all areas and increased cleaning of high touch surfaces.  
  • Hand sanitiser stations will be available throughout the site.  
  • All workers will have completed COVID safety training. 
  • Please follow the directions of the COVID Safe signage (to be created) throughout the site.
  • The Safety Hotline number is staffed (Kate Shapiro number)  please promptly report any health and safety incidents.


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