AGM 2023 Directors Discussion, Messenger and MBC's

Recently Two directors posted individual directors report to be included in the AGM 2023 Minutes

Kathy Ernst - Director - Link  (Not a Board report)

Malcolm Mathews - Director - Link  (Not a Board report)

I think these reports are better served when they are accompanied by some words of the  process I observe.

Directors Discussion

There is simply too much work for the board to be dealt with in a monthly board meeting, even a second wouldn't be enough there is simply so much to do. Much of this though is because of inherited or non existent systems.

Director Discussions(Not Board Meetings) are about collaboration, discussion and getting things done. It is how we go about forming motions around topics we all wish to support.

To obtain consensus we do our best to work with those who think differently, reconstructing the words to make a motion everyone will support. 

We all learn to compromise.

This can be hard when a director refuses to attend such discussions. All directors are invited to attend and not everyone can attend every discussion however for those that do and find it beneficial to staying on top of every thing.

Messenger Chat

Again a great way for the board to communicate with each other. I am sure many of us use it often. Yet there was a director, the same one who wouldn't attend the directors discussion refusing to join the messenger group. 

To exclude one self from the processes the majority of the board agrees to has been the biggest barrier to board harmony.

It does not however preclude six other directors moving ahead without the seventh. The problem here is not in the actions of the six, it is in the action of the seventh. 

MBC's. (Motions By Circular)

Some matters can wait for the next monthly board meeting or if more urgent or merely administrative handled as an MBC. In all MBC's I have participated in, five or more directors were consulted.

Those who claimed they were either

1. Refusing to participate in Director Discussion

2 Refusing to participate in the board messenger chat

3. Blocked any email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  as some sort of protest

In other words, the overwhelming majority of the board participated in directors discussions, messenger chat and MBC's.

Those that didn't, chose that for themselves.


Robin Macpherson

BRD Events