or http://data.dte.org.au/meeting .
Passcode 123456 (Zoom have changed their procedures, and now require a passcode).


-Minutes of previous GM (November AGM) Financial Reports
Other Reports
Motions to be voted on


~ Motions ~

Motion 1 - FinCom Appropriation $9,000
Motion 1. That FinCoM be appropriated an additional $9,000 to pay future

invoices incurred up to the end of this financial year.

Agenda details: The Finance Committee currently has insufficient remaining funds on FCM Card for expected Accounting and Bookkeeping Invoices until 30 June 2021. Attached link to this motion shows details of estimated future invoices and additional funds required

Proposed by: Skye Fitzpatrick
Supported by: Kathy Ernst, Suzie Helson

Motion 2 - Sydney Confest Food

Preamble :
On Thursday 2nd July 2020 the SGM passed a motion that DTE would not pay for any food or drink. After this was passed a discussion was had at which it was suggested that when DTE was again able to hold events that either new motions or amendments to the existing motion requesting budgets for food and drink could be put up for consideration. The motion below is seeking funds to provide basic supplies for Sydney Confest only.

Motion 2. Sydney Confest be allowed to, apply for up to $10 per head of seeding money to be used for chai ingredients and other general food consumption goods, as part of future Sydney Confest Budget Applications.

Proposed by: Melody Braithwaite
Supported by: Natalie Bull, Lindy Hunt, Kevin Tayor

BACKGROUND: Food and chai are an integral part of all Sydney ConFester gatherings. We are extremely efficient in carrying over unused non-perishable stock to the next gathering where 95% perishable foods are donated by attendees such that the cost per meal averages $1.38 per meal (based on Jan 2020 attendance).

Since the early 2000s until January 2019 Sydney ConFesters has been able to remit a profit after the deduction of expenses (100% of gate takings) back to DTE. Since January 2019 gatherings have had to be held at expensive Sydney commercial camping site. Sydney ConFesters is committed to cost neutral gatherings and plan to raise attendance fees to achieve this outcome.

Motion 3 - OC Appropriation
Motion 3. That the Organising Committee be appropriated an additional $25,000 to be available

until the end of the 2020/2021 financial year.
Proposed by: Trevor Pitt
Supported by: David Cruise, Coral Larke, Malcolm Matthews, Kevin Taylor, Kate Shapiro

Motion 4 - Code of Conduct
Motion 4. That this meeting endorses continuing work on transitioning to a new Code of Conduct

based around the Contributor Code of Conduct.

Proposed by: Coral Larke
Supported by: Lindy Hunt, John Magor, Trevor Pitt


Motion 5 - Working Bees

Preamble:- Working within the new 2020 OC reimbursement guidelines, to outline a clear structure for the moderate and appropriate use of DTE funds to facilitate necessary ongoing work on site and clarify how DTE can provide essential financial support for members to cover the costs of attending a working bee.


to site


lets say

400 km




to site


lets say

600 km




to site


lets say

800 km




to site


lets say

1500 km




Site to





55 min


Site to

Swan Hill




57 min


Site to





62 min


1 / No reimbursement for food or accommodation getting to or from Woorooma or Bylands site for a working bee will be covered by DTE.

2 / The MAXIMUM round trip fuel claim or public transport with receipts for volunteers coming to site for a working bee that DTE will approve will be:- Travelling from:- Victoria $ 150, South Australia $ 225, New South Wales $ 300, Queensland $ 500. However volunteers on onsite for less than four days may only claim a pro rata rate ie. Two days on site only 50%

3 / On Woorooma or Bylands sites an allowance of a maximum of $11 per person per day for moderately priced food and non alcoholic drinks during the working bee.

4 / When requested by the working bee facilitator to travel more than 70 kilometres off either Woorooma or Bylands site during a working bee to pick up a person, materials or supplies, up to $20 per person allowance for lunch with receipts may be claimed.

5 / To qualify for fuel reimbursement volunteers need to fill in an activity sheet with an average of 4 hours per day overall at a working bee, some days less, other days more hours - depending on individual energy levels on the day, weather conditions etc.

6 / Within 60 days of completion of a Working Bee, a detailed project report including information under the following headings:- completed works with photos, attendees register, first aid, conflict resolution, testimonials and final expenditure to be forwarded on to the Directors and the OC.

Proposed by: Kevin Taylor
Supported by: Lindy Hunt, Tania Morsman, Natalie Bull


Motion 6 - Board Appropriation

Motion 6. I propose/support the motion that the board be granted an appropriation of $19,625

until end of financial year with funds to be available until another appropriation is approved.

Proposed by: Kate Shapiro
Supported by: Dan Smith, Trevor Pitt, Caryn Kettle

~ End of Motions ~


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