June long weekend WORKING BEE

 Looking for individuals who would like to spend some time on site getting things prepared for our next ConFest Easter 2022 and also offer support preparing evening meals and snacks to be enjoyed around an evening fire .

Ray Higgiins is looking to plant at least 200 “native to the area” trees . - Add Link to Rays Project

I am intending to get to site on Monday 7 th June to prepare for the crane on Tuesday 15th June 

The ticket office will be lifted further off the ground and spun around 180 degrees , prepare for two more 40 foot containers to butt up against Peter and Boris then drop on the two old roofs to extend the vehicle shelter and also lift at least ten other containers around site onto 150mm Redgum sleeper blocks to ensure they have ample breathing space .

For the green thumb types, the thorn bushes have taken over and so we need to start to reduce their dominance!! 

Other projects will be to reline the internet antennas ; install the old ticket office floor and roof in front of the ticket office to shelter the internet electronics from the Northern sun ; start to pave the old lean-to near the ticket office ; repackage some of the bulk food stores into large glass jars ( to reduce cross contamination and mice ) into the cleaned-out cottage storeroom ; also start work cleaning out , connecting power , insulating and setting up a crew bunk room in the old tin shed near the cottage - all this before I leave site on Friday 18th June .

I have a spare seat in my van to / from Sydney on those dates if you would like to come to assist .


Form seeking permission to go to site for working bee - Application Form

      With love Kevin  
                Wellbeing Rainbow

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