
In regards to Financial Reports

We have been unable to provide audited reports in time for tonights AGM.

So we did the next best thing we could and have run the reports unaudited and will forward you the audited ones as soon as they are available. We will also arrange a meeting for members to ask the Auditor any questions in regards to the audited reports.

Our apologies

These are links to the unaudited reports which are delayed and should be available in the next couple of weeks

Here are ones we have produced from Xero which the book keeper thinks is pretty close to the finals


Down_to_Earth__Victoria Co-operative Society Ltd Balance Sheet.pdf

DTE Balance Sheet 2023 with 2022 Comparison.pdf

Xero _ Profit and Loss _ Down to Earth (Victoria) Co-operative Society Ltd FY 2023.pdf





Down To earth Cio-operative


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