Board Meeting Guidelines

Meeting Room

For next Meeting Minutes visit here

Preparing for taking the Minutes  

  1. Use - Board Template
  2. Copy the Template intoBD Minutes Folder
    • - Use save as or download upload functions
  3. Rename Template - "YYYYMMDD Board Minutes"
  4. Follow instructions on"YYYYMMDD Board Minutes"
  5. Copy/Paste Agenda Items to "YYYYMMDD Board Minutes"
  6. When done Save as PDF
  7. Send copy to directors@  for any corrections
  8. Wait one week
    1. Send PDF copy to David Cruise
    2. Send PDF copy to secretary@

  • Agenda Items
    A meeting can run up to 3 hours from the advertised start time
    • Acknowledgement of Country
      • We gather on the lands of many Aboriginal Nations. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Indigenous sovereignty has never been ceded in Australia and we should endeavour to be mindful of this in everything we do, given our focus is gathering to create better ways of living in our society, not just for festival attendees but for all.

    • Time Started
    • Appoint Chairperson, Minute Keeper and Chat Moderator
    • Attendance
    • (Board) Activity Points
    • Minutes approved
    • Matters arising from the Minutes
    • Action Tasks
    • Correspondence - Sheet - Folders 
    • (Board) Membership
    • (Board) Motions by Circular
    • Budgets
    • Agenda Items
    • (Board) Activity Points
    • Carried Resolutions
    • Next Meeting
    • Time Ended 


  • Agenda Item Order
    The Board meeting is for the members of the board to hold an official meeting to record group decisions
    • Each board member is expected to have prior a meeting
    • Order of Items in meeting
      • Bills/Payments
      • Agenda Items
        • Aim to move as many member items to the committees and the committee can request of the board
        • Motion must have Mov and Scdr
        • Proposer is encouraged to identify a mover/seconder prior to meeting


  • Manner of Board Meeting - Methodology - Circle Method
    (Snorky) identified how a respective circular approach to a meeting could work really well
    • The chair facilitates the round circle approach moving from one board member to the next in the same order ensuring each board members knows when they will be speaking
    • While they are waiting they are writing down their questions/ feedback
    • Once each board members has spoken, the char will call from the floor and ask is there anything that has not been said. It s not an opportunity to say your green or disagree with what has been said it is the opportunity to offer up what not has been said.
    • Chair goes round the board again 
    • The cycle repeats until each board members passes and nothing more needs to be said, 5 secs silence to consider what has been spoken
    • The chair aims to call the vote when it either is clear there is consensus or there is a clear majority which little further discussion will change.





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