Down To Earth SGM Tuesday 11th June 2024 7:30 pm Melbourne time


Acknowledgement of Country Minutes of previous GM Financial Reports

Other Reports Motions to be voted on Close

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~ Motions ~

Organising Committee appropriation motion.

Motion 1: That the OC be granted an appropriation of $150,000 for operating expenses for the financial year 2024 - 2025.

Description: A broad overview of the breakdown of expected expenditure based on last year's figures with a 10% increase to be on the safe side.page2image59711200 page2image59709952 page2image59710160 page2image59711408 page2image59710576page2image59710368page2image59710784





rates (council, water)


auditor, bookeeping












Woorooma site maintenance


vehicle maintenance


vehicle registration




websites and internet comms






contingency for unforeseen expenses










Proposed by: Lindy Hunt
Supported by: David Cruise, John Magor, David Cameron, Jason Thomas, Melody Braithwaite


Market Committee

Motion 2: The Market Committee seeks an appropriation of $8000 as per their minuted meeting on the 6th May 2024 for the purchase of a storage container and critical water upgrades.

Proposed by: Emma Bennet
Supported by: Murray Paternoster, Fulvio Geradi


C.C. Appropriation Motion

Motion 3: That the C.C. be granted an appropriation of $400,000 for the running of Confest in the financial year 2024 - 2025. $50,000 of this to be immediately dispersed to the C.C. account and the remaining $350,000 to be dispersed upon need by the C.C.

Description: Below is an appropriation motion for the C.C. for the June SGM for the financial year 2024 – 2025.

Proposed by: Lindy Hunt
Supported by: David Cruise, John Magor, Jason Thomas, Melody Braithwaite


Board Appropriation

Motion 4: Board receive an appropriation of $30,000 to cover statutory expenses, Insurances, Complaints handling.

Description: The requested Board appropriation of $30,000 includes Liability Insurance, Board Retreat, Secretarial expenses (postage, post box, lodgement fees, etc), memberships, registrations, legal fees and unexpected consultants and/or legal advice.

Proposed by: Sue Helson
Supported by: Robin Macpherson, Lance Nash, Andrew McLean


Supplementary OC appropriation

Motion 5: The OC receives an extra $25,000 for GST and site lock keys

Description: The breakdown of the requested funds are $20,000 for GST owed, the ATO have set a forecast based on the figures lodged for FY 2023. Daniel, Ax3, has advised we would be best to pay rather than ask for an adjustment. $5,000 for the locks/keys onsite to be rekeyed as it is unknown who has access to which locks.

Proposed by: Sue Helson
Supported by: Robin Macpherson, Lance Nash, Andrew McLeanpage3image59587408page3image59587616

Tech Team

Motion 6: The Tech Team receive an appropriation of $5,000 for Online related expenses

Description: That the Organising Committee receive an appropriation of $5,000 for the maintenance of the online platforms managed by Comms and ICT/TechTeam
Supported by: Robin Macpherson, Lance Nash, Andrew McLean
Proposed by: Robin Macpherson
Supported by: Sue Helson, Lance Nash, Andrew McLean


Motion 7: The Organising Committee receive an appropriation of $20,000 for improvements to the Bylands property

Description: The Organising Committee appropriation request for the maintenance of the Bylands property is $20,000. This gives us a chance to begin making repairs to the house and property to ensure its safe use.
Proposed by: Robin Macpherson
Supported by: Sue Helson, Lance Nash, Andrew McLeanpage4image59698144page4image59698560page4image59698768

Confest Committee Autumn appropriation

Motion 8: The ConFest Committee receive an appropriation of $500,000 for the holding of Autumn ConFest

Description: The ConFest Committee appropriation request for Autumn ConFest is $500,000. This is based on the previous appropriation of 500,000 and includes 50,000 for unbudgeted expenses and is no increase on last year's appropriation.
Proposed by: Robin Macpherson
Supported by: Lance Nash, Sue Helson, Andrew McLean

Confest Committee Spring appropriation

Motion 9: That the ConFest Committee receive an appropriation of $50,000 for the holding of Spring ConFest

Description: The ConFest Committee appropriation request for Spring ConFest is $50,000. This gives those working on a Spring Confest that at least initial funds have been put aside to proceed.page4image59657264

Proposed by: Robin Macpherson
Supported by: Sue Helson, Lance Nash, Andrew McLean


Attachments: No attachments.


Please find links to appropriation breakdowns for some of the motions

  • Organising Committee 150K - Link
    Organising Committee Supplementary 25K -
  • Market Committee - 8K - Link
  • Autumn ConFest 400K - Link 
  • Autumn ConFest 500K - Link
  • Board 30K - Link
  • Tech team 5K - Link
  • Bylands 20K - Link
    Spring Confest 50K - Link


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